Rituals are Means to an end. The Means should not eclipse the End.India celebrates Dusherra in various styles in different parts of the country. I am fascinated and at awe seeing the Divine Mother. From my childhood days I have always questioned the blindly followed rituals, but we don't get the exact answer that would widen our horizon, do we ? I came across this book called " Our Heritage" published by Chinmaya mission in the late 60s. It has cleared few of my questions and here I share a synopsis of what Durga PuJa is all about.
During Dusherra the three forms of Goddess, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati are worshiped. Dusherra is celebrated for 10 special days, which ends with Vijaya Dasami, followed by Visarjana, culmination of Puja.
Durga means the Un-Attainable. She is worshiped as Mahishasuramardhini, the conqueror of the buffalo demon, Mahisha.There is a buffalo in each and every one of us, the slow beast symbolizing ignorance ( Tams), a demon that is hampering our spiritual growth. Buffalo is the vehicle of the God of death, in other words death rides on ignorance. Worship of Durga helps us to conquer ignorance and throws light on the fogged mind and soul. Tremendous of spiritual exercise is needed to attain this Magnificent goddess, DURGA . Many life births and numerous experiences leads us to her. Once we have seen a tiny peek of this Glorious DURGA there is no going back. Sri Ramakrishna Pramahamsa was one of the great souls who conquered Ma Kali or Durga. Once Durga is achieved, Pure Knowledge (Goddess Saraswati) and Abundance of Wealth( Goddess Lakshmi) will surrender to you. But on the contrary when one has seen the Magnificent Light of Durga, “the feeling of the materialistic want” undergoes a sea of change. Prosperity does not depend on the bank balance but our contended attitude towards life is the measure of our prosperity.
The Ritual to attain the unattainable Durga is called the Pu-Ja. Pu ( means purification of the soul and redemption of all sins) and Ja (means putting an end to the endless cycles of birth and death). Puja and all the rituals that go along with it, if performed with right attitude, faith and devotion, will purify our mind and lead us to the final destiny.
- Janhavee
Asato Ma Sat Gamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.
Lead Us From the Unreal To Real,
Lead Us From Darkness To Light,
Lead Us From Death To Immortality,
Aum Let There Be Peace Peace Peace. -
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.3.28.