Neeharika and I were having private chat about the day we had. Nishant tried to hear using one of those pretend extended ears...like in Harry Potter.
Neeharika said immediately ..."Stop! Eaves dropping Nishant...thats not nice" Nishant said...." No i'm not eaves dropping, i am just trying to listen to your private talk"
Neeharika said " thats eaves dropping." No.....! its not X-mas yet...said Nishant. "What ? " said Neeharika....."What in the world do you think eaves dropping is ...anyway ??"
Nishant said " Well, on X'mas eve, Santa goes to houses and drops gifts down the chimney" and that is called Eaves Dropping..... I am not Santa and its not Xmas yet....Did you get it "
All three of us had a very nice laugh at Nishant's witty explanation.
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