Power of Thoughts
"A thought or a any tiny idea that forms in your mind actually has mass. Hypothetically think that the thought is an actual thing, measurable entity with a measurable mass. A minuscule mass of course but mass nonetheless. If thought has mass, then thought exerts gravity and can pull things towards it. If many people start focusing on the same thought, then occurrence of that same thought begin to merge into one and the cumulative mass of this thought begins to grow and therefore the gravity grows. If enough people begin thinking the same thing then the gravitational force of that thought becomes tangible and it exerts actual force, and it can have measurable effect in our physical world. "
From : Dan Brown's " Lost Symbol "I completely agree with this. The same is true in the collective consciousness, Satsang , Prayer circles and so on. No wonder there is so much of power in prayers and group meditation. Our thoughts play a very important role in our life and our destiny. The more positive thoughts we sow in our universe, we will experience more positive vibrations. Let there be Peace on Earth, through our collective positive thoughts. - By: Janhavee
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