Nishant is superactive young adult
6 and a half yrs old". He's too young for high school and too old for 1st grade gauging on the Wise-O- Meter :-).
He's active, agile, tireless and hard to keep up. He's also very imaginative, high on curiosity and tirelessly experimental , which frequently lands him in situations he can't always control, kind of the curious George, the Monkey.
With his impish grin, he would deliver blunt observations of the truth, which would be hard to ignore. He is the Wise-President of the house, most forgiving, full of love, hugs and licks....and lot of other things that comes in the bundle :-)
We were driving back from Shirdi Baba Temple and I was appreciating my kids that they were very wonderful and responsible.
Nishant said to Neeha, " I am always good with my manners, but you sometimes forget your Please and Thank you, Neeha"
Neeha responded " Oh! yeah....have you forgotten the days you have called Amma. Meanie Bom-beenie ?
What do you have to say for that ?"
Nishant : " Well, i have not said anything like that to Amma" " I have only said, Come On Amma oh! PLEASE....You are the meanest Mom !!!"
Neeha : " oh! thats FUNNY! Nishant, you have a nice way with words.....but you were not being nice." " Amma, You put this on your blog"
My kids always reminds me of " Dennis the Menace". They always have something up their sleeve. Maybe its not just my kids....Kids have always outsmarted their parents in some way or the other :-)
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