Saturday, December 26, 2009





Check out this beautiful link... MERRY CHRISTMAS

This song is sung by my 9 yr old daughter. I love the innocence in her voice :-)

Silent Night Holy Night ( Cover by Neeharika) | Music Upload

This song is sung by my 6yr old, Nishant. The lyrics is perfect for all year round.

Let there be Peace on Earth ( By Nishant 6 yrs) | Music Upload

Monday, December 21, 2009

GIFTS of Love and Care

I really love this poem, as it resonates with my thinking.

********** GIFTS ************

What shall we give the children?
A new year is almost here.
Toys and games and playthings,
As we do every year ?

Yes, for the magic of toy land,
Is part of the new year lore.
To gladden the heart of childhood,
But I shall give something more.

I shall give them more patience,
A more sympathetic ear.
A little more time for laughter,
Or tenderly dry a tear.

I shall take time to teach them,
The joy of doing some task.
I 'll try to find time to answer,
More of the questions they ask.

Time to read books together,
And take long walks in the Sun.
Time for a bedtime story,
After the day is done.

I shall give these to my children,
Weaving a closer tie.
Knitting our lives together,
With gifts that money can't buy.

By : Isla P. Richardson.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Power of Thoughts

"A thought or a any tiny idea that forms in your mind actually has mass. Hypothetically think that the thought is an actual thing, measurable entity with a measurable mass. A minuscule mass of course but mass nonetheless. If thought has mass, then thought exerts gravity and can pull things towards it. If many people start focusing on the same thought, then occurrence of that same thought begin to merge into one and the cumulative mass of this thought begins to grow and therefore the gravity grows. If enough people begin thinking the same thing then the gravitational force of that thought becomes tangible and it exerts actual force, and it can have measurable effect in our physical world. "
From : Dan Brown's " Lost Symbol "

I completely agree with this. The same is true in the collective consciousness, Satsang , Prayer circles and so on. No wonder there is so much of power in prayers and group meditation. Our thoughts play a very important role in our life and our destiny. The more positive thoughts we sow in our universe, we will experience more positive vibrations. Let there be Peace on Earth, through our collective positive thoughts. - By: Janhavee

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Promise By Guru Ji


If I had to promise you something, what would it be?

I can’t promise that you would always be comfortable…
Because comfort brings boredom and discomfort.

I can’t promise that all your desires will be fulfilled…
Because desires whether fulfilled or unfulfilled bring frustration.

I can’t promise that there will always be good times…

Because it is the tough times that make us appreciate joy.

I can’t promise that we will be rich or famous or powerful…

Because they can all be pathways to misery.

I can’t promise that we will always be together…
Because it is separation that makes togetherness so wonderful.

Yet if you are willing to walk with me,

If you are willing to value love over everything else ~

I promise that this will be the most rich and fulfilling life possible.

I promise your life will be an eternal celebration,

I promise you I will cherish you more than a king cherishes his crown,

And I shall love you more than a mother loves her newborn.

If you are willing to walk into my arms,
If you are willing to live in my heart,
You will find the one you have waited forever….

You will meet yourself in my arms…
I promise.

Poem written by H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sunday, December 13, 2009

How many Years of Experience do you have MOM ??

Moms are extra careful and never try to cut corners and hence can have those bad days often. One day it could be Nishant getting into trouble at school or just giving me hard could be Neeharika not keeping up at school. Its as stressful as for me as for them. I try to manage it well, but sometimes cave in, on one of those gloomy days. It so happened, that i was totally stressed out and started crying. Nishant saw me with tears and said..."oops..this is not good. I will go and get Akka, she is the best". Neeharika, comes in and asks me why i am crying? I told her that both of you trouble me so much that i can't handle it better and feel helpless sometimes, and so i'm crying. Neeha said..."Well Amma, we are just kids and we are learning. And you need not be stressed out so much because you are learning too. You have only 9 yrs of experience of being a mom and so it will take sometime for you to handle the stress". Nishant said...."She has 15 yrs of experience...Neeha you are 9 yrs and i am 6 yrs old, that makes it 15. So she has 15 yrs of experience. "

Guess, Moms Stress level is inversely proportional to the experience :-)

Psychic or Sidekick

A conversation started during dinner with kids. We were talking about some abilities or power that some people possess. Neeharika said Psychic has some special powers. Nishant (6yrs) joined in and said yes, i too know about Psychic. I asked him what he knows about Psychic ? Well ! he said" "a psychic is someone like Robin. In Batman and Robin, Robin is Batman's psychic. " We had a nice laugh....and then, I told him that this Robin is a Side- Kick for Batman and not his Psychic. Obviously his next question was, does that mean Robin helps Batman to Kick people??

No wonder, its always great to get down to the kids level and enjoy their little discovery with words...and wild imaginations :-) :-)